Sometimes she needs you to “stay off” or “stay out” because she’s taking root

Walking the upper west side streets.

For her, a walk of autonomy and choice.

A state of being where an external stoic expression is the norm.

It’s embraced.
It’s accepted.

And completely understood…people are simply living.

The normality of dropping superfluous niceties…what a relief.

A creatives dream.
Her dream.

Finally, she can light the mask of “good girl with a quiet mind” on fire.

Beyond her stoic external is a blooming dance of nourishing wildflower ideas — her imagination at play.

She thinks in pictures.
She solves in pictures.

She creates and materializes through feelings.
It’s her way of bringing new life to earth.
Let her mind dance into the future.

Her stoicism is her art.
She’s an arthouse.

Learn to “hear” her nuanced magic.
It’s Sunia.
Subtle body wisdom.

It has no words yet oozes a sensation of light-filled reverence and rooted support.

She takes a deep breath.
Her shoulders gently relax down.


There she is.
Now smiling up at the trees of Central Park.

In utter peace and absolute belief, she says, “yes…I can be…just as I am.”

And that is enough.

Her “being” is the vitality.

And like the protected lawn patches of Central Park, sometimes she needs you to “stay off” or “stay out” because she’s taking root.

So then, it’s not stoicism.
It’s her being in creation.

Telling her to “smile” rots the root.

She’s already smiling.
She doesn’t get why you can’t see it.
Her face need not show it.

Respect what happens under the surface of HER unearthing process. ❤️

Growth in the form of quirky coffee shop nourishment >>


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