Grief Recovery: The Rightful Phoenix Burn Disrupted

The loss changed her.
With each step she takes toward the future, her internal heat turns up.

The spark turns to a flame.
Transformation activated.
She’s on fire.

She burns.
Sometimes painful.
Sometimes liberatingly orgasmic.

Thank God she gets to be brand new!
A palpable sacred roar vibrates throughout her being.

She is wild.
She is free.
She is nature.
Let her be!

The flame expands and overtakes the container of her.

This blaze births the ending of what was.

A rapid breath of panic abruptly releases the trapped watery and sorrow-filled pieces of her.
Purposeful screams of desperation get sent throughout the forest of her life.

Re-weaving the web of her.
Activating the restoration of what has been disrupted.

Can she really let go of who she was?
What if she doesn’t want to?
What if she loved that version of her?

This is a bigger pain than she thought.
The screams of death are arriving now.


Oh no!
They drenched her in water before the limbs of ‘who she was’ rightfully burned to ashes.
She was too much for them.
Her fire scared them.
They didn’t understand its necessity.
They didn’t trust the process.

The regeneration of her is broken.
The rewilding of her is only half-reclaimed.

Who she was needs full rectification before the reclaiming of who she is to be can arrive.

Into isolation, she goes.
Working to move through despair to anger once again.

Mama Earth knows how necessary her anger is.
She knows it isn’t ‘her’ anger.
She doesn’t tell her to be less or to make it sound softer.

She knows it's her firestarter.
Her kindling.

She says bring it to me, warrior spirit, bring me all of your anger and release it back to me now.
It’s not yours to carry.

Your kindling will burn fast, that’s the point.
But, all of it must burn.

Mama Earth holds her safely while every last limb of who she was is burned to ashes.

This is her phoenix moment.
Her fertile regeneration.

The ashes are her integration.

A skin shed.
A skin birthed anew.

Earth warrior she is.
Phoenix she remains.

Growth in the form of quirky coffee shop nourishment >>


Sometimes she needs you to “stay off” or “stay out” because she’s taking root


Reclaiming Her “Too Much”