Transcend the Conventional Notion of Romance Between Lovers: She Who You Caught Underwater

The Inspiration:

Relating in Ways You’ve Never Imagined: But First, You Must Face the Death of What Was.

This is a poetic expression of what felt like my own transmission and humbling integration—a deeper understanding of how I relate to myself, others, and the world around me.

Inspired by the symbolism of The Skeleton Woman Archetype from Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, this poem explores the lessons she offers about resilience, polarity, and the life-death-life cycle that challenge us to gain new perspectives on what’s possible in relationships. Especially the one with our 'Self.'

The Poem:

'She' who you caught deep under water. 

A blind trust.
A knowing. 
A rewatering. 
A bringing love to life...again and again.  

Oh, what a rectifying of ‘Self’ transmission her symbolism is.

A remembering.
A warrior activation.

She has to be invited into your love story. 
The third-party interference you want. 

She is there to support and guide you through the life-death-life cycles, your beginnings and endings—those inevitable transitions, on deeply rooted, unshakeable ground of resilience.

She offers you an instinctual connection to 'Self' regardless of the contradictions and polarized expressions of life existing within and around you—you being misunderstood by youyou being misunderstood by others.

She challenges you to explore where you're 'hooked' in life.

Is it deep?
Did I cast this hook?
Do I want this hook?

Imagine yourself peacefully dreaming up a preferred life experience and you 'catch' it...

Oh! I got the 'thing''s so big!
Put it back.
Put it back.
I'm afraid of it.
It's ugly.
It's gross.
It's foreign.
It's different from me.

So you abandon the 'pole' and run.

If I can't see it, it can't impact silently whisper.

Not so fast.

When you pulled her from the depths, trusting in a prayer answered, you raised your own reflection—your power, your purpose, your undiscovered beauty—delivered in a package that looks like a mushy, tangled mess. 

The initiation offering here, is in the moment you experience disgust and distrust—you must learn to stay in discomfort, lean in and listen to what is, not the illusion of what you wish to be. 

Totality is required.
Totality cannot be ignored.

The buried aspects of you that have been submerged, lying dormant, or rejected are here now. Waiting to be loved. Waiting to be honored.

So often, what we once loved, we cast aside when it no longer fits neatly into our lives—oh, the fear and resistance of polarity.

And just as often, what we do not know or understand—we push away, fearing its unfamiliarity.

Oh, to be seen as we are...

But what if...
the unknown and unexpected (appearance-wise) hooks we avoid—
the bad moods, depression, our imperfections and obsessions,
the death of loved ones, divorce, the habits we can’t break,
even the parts of ourselves we secretly love but hide from the world...
were the doorway to more love—more clarity—more intimacy—more purity—more wholeness?

What if what you discarded
wasn’t trash, but a part of you waiting to be reborn?

The 'catch' you ran from didn’t disappear — it changed appearances.

This is what is so beautiful.
This is the invitation of initiation time and time again.

To love beyond the known.
To love beyond the expected.
To love the now, all of now.

To trust that even in the harshest conditions a bloom WILL happen. Its cyclical, interconnected regeneration leads us back to our unification with Self. 

Life can begin again — it’s ready for you. Believe in repair.

We don’t know what we don’t know—be humblewalk with humility and open yourself to the powerful force of curiosity. It might unlock a love you’ve never “known.”

And remember, what once appeared ugly, now invites you to compassionately confront your limited notions of physicality and emotionality within your connections. Beyond these perceptions lies an expansive spiritual potential—both individually and collectively.

Open to trust.
Your body knows what to do.

She has you. 

Music activates the resonance of truth and feeling.

The Integration:

The parts of yourself you fear because of their power—invite them in, love them. See what unfolds when you gracefully slow dance with them instead of running away.


Maidenhood Suffering: A Rite of Passage